Before You Join The Green World Company



Your Prerequistes For Success

Network Marketing has produced some of the most amazing success stories in America and around the world. Virtually every company has its “rags to riches” stories of everyday people who went from modest or even poor beginnings to earning more money in a month than most people would bring down in a year.

Yet, across the industry and around the globe – you will find striking similarities in the ultra-successful people in all companies. These common traits are the prerequisites for long-term success in the business.

Network Marketing is perfect for everyone. Everyone, however, is not perfect for Network Marketing.

The first attribute you find in all successful long-term networkers is the ability to submerge their ego. You might find this surprising. Most seem to be strong-willed individualists. They have reached levels of success the masses only dream off, and have done this as sculptors of their own destiny. They are in positions of leadership, and they influence the lives and careers of thousands of others. Yet, the networkers who attain and keep it, have a healthy ego, but don’t let it run amok.

At its very soul, Network Marketing is a business of duplication. One in which what you can do, is subservient to what your people can duplicate. You must be willing to edify and duplicate your sponsor, who in turn must be willing to edify and duplicate their sponsor, and so on – letting the process continue to the person who must be willing to edify and duplicate the parent company.

The second prerequisite is the willingness to do the business in a whole new way. A large part of this new way to operate is empowering others. It’s about going deep into their psyches-locating their innate abilities, talents and natural success programming -then nurturing them through the unfolding process of bringing these to light. Network Marketing is about the new business paradigm that believes success can only come from making others successful.

Most people strive to maintain the appearence of having a good job, even if it’s one they despise, because that’s what society expects of them. But networkers dream of a career of personal development and spiritual growth, and then work until that dream becomes a reality. Network marketers look at the rat race and wonder why people would forego human dignity in the pursuit of a buck.

Make no mistake. If you need someone checking over your shoulder, you can’t seem to motivate yourself, or you desperately seek the security of Friday paycheck, then Network marketing is not for you. Network Marketing is for people with vision and a sense of adventure. If you’re tired of memos, committee meetings and not being able to use your ideas, then you’ll find this business to be a refreshing, rejuvenating tonic to your career.

The next talent you need is the ability to keep your confidence and maintain your self-esteem in the face of peer pressure and challenges. You are likely surrounded by negative people. You might even be married to one.

The people around you are likely to assault you with all the reasons why you shouldn’t join network marketing …  they wouldn’t …  and you couldn’t possibly succeed in such a venture. Then these “well-intentioned” souls will regale you with one horror story after another – stories of people who tried Network Marketing and failed.

It’s highly likely that these kinds of people are all around you. And nothing is more threatening to these people than to think that someone they know is becoming successful. They will do anything in their power to dissuade you, and in some cases, actually sabotage you. As a beginning network marketer, you must remain steadfast in your convictions in the face of such negativity.

Another important prerequisite for Network marketing super-success is good teaching skills. Successful network marketers concentrate on simple, duplicable actions that they can teach to anyone. Their number one priority is making sure that their organisation knows everything they do.

Finally, the most important aattribute to have is a sincere desire to help others. The rules of the corporate world don’t apply in Network Marketing. In this business you get ahead not by “beating out” other people or holding them back.

If you have read each and every word of this page to this far, you are one step forward on the road to making a wise decision. Your second step is to think about what has been written here and make a thorough self-evaluation and introspection and if you still  think you want to join us, click on the blue link below.

N.B. Please do not click if this isn’t what you want to do.